Jumat, 25 November 2011
Kamis, 24 November 2011
Rabu, 23 November 2011
about BLOGGER ( versi indonesian )
Fitur Blogger
Kami membuat Blogger untuk memudahkan Anda untuk berbagi cerita — entah itu peristiwa terkini, kabar terbaru diri Anda, atau apa saja yang ingin Anda diskusikan — dengan dunia. Kami telah mengembangkan serangkaian fitur untuk membuat blogging sesederhana dan seefektif mungkin.
Baru! Ubahsuaikan rancangan Anda
Perancang Template Blogger menawarkan berbagai template, yang memudahkan Anda membuat blog yang tampak profesional. Selain itu, Perancang Template Designer memungkinkan Anda mengubahsuaikan template. Pilih dari ratusan gambar latar, puluhan tata letak yang fleksibel, dan susun ulang widget melalui antarmuka seret dan lepas. Tambahkan gadget seperti tampilan slide, jajak pendapat pengguna, atau bahkan iklan AdSense. Mengubah fon dan warna juga mudah. Dan jika semua kendali itu belum cukup, Anda bahkan dapat mengedit CSS dan HTML blog.Publikasikan suara Anda dengan mudah dan gratis
Anda hanya butuh beberapa langkah mudah untuk membuat blog di Blogger. Dalam hitungan menit, Anda sudah dapat mengepos entri, foto, video, dan masih banyak lagi ke blog Anda. Silakan mengepos entri sesuka Anda, gratis kok. Baca artikel ini di Bagaimana cara memulai atau tonton video Bagaimana cara membuat blog dengan Blogger.Antarmuka yang mudah digunakan
Ikuti beberapa langkah dasar untuk mulai mengeposkan entri ke blog Anda. Antarmuka yang disediakan mudah digunakan untuk mengubah font, menebalkan atau memiringkan teks, menyesuaikan warna dan meratakan tepian teks, dan masih banyak lagi. Saat Anda menyusun entri baru, Blogger menyimpannya secara otomatis, tanpa menginterupsi pengetikan. Juga terdapat fitur pemeriksa ejaan yang mudah digunakan serta cara mudah untukmelabeli entri Anda. Selain itu, Blogger mencakup editor HTML yang memungkinkan Anda mengubah tampilan dan suasana entri Anda.Situs web gratis Anda
Ketika Anda membuat blog, blog tersebut dapat di-host di Blog*Spot secara gratis. Pilih saja URL yang tersedia dan jadi deh. Jika Anda berubah pikiran dan ingin URL yang berbeda di kemudian hari, menggantinya juga mudah. Blogger juga melayani opsi domain ubahsuaian; misalnya saja domain-nya bernama example.com, blog Anda akan di-host di sana dan fitur-fitur hebat Blogger tetap ada.Tambah foto dan video ke entri Anda
Anda dapat menambah foto ke posting blog Anda dengan mengeklik ikon gambar di toolbar editor entri. Foto Anda kemudian disimpan di akun Album Web Picasa gratis Anda, di mana Anda dapat memesan cetakan foto tersebut dan mengatur foto ke dalam album-album yang sesuai. Menambah video ke entri cukup mudah; klik ikon film-strip di bilah alat editor entri untuk memulai. Video yang diunggah melalui Blogger di-host pada Google Video.Fitur Lainnya
Baru! Dapatkan uang
Dengan Blogger, Anda bisa mendapatkan uang cukup dengan memposkan konten asli bermutu tinggi tentang topik favorit Anda. Blogger dilengkapi tab khusus Uangkan yang memungkinkan Anda memasang iklan AdSense dengan mudah di blog. Selain itu, melalui program Amazon Associates Blogger, Anda dapat menelusuri katalog produk Amazon dan menambahkan tautan ke produk yang Anda sarankan untuk menerima komisi bila pembaca membeli produk ini.Kembangkan komunitas Anda
Biarkan pembaca mengikuti blog Anda dengan menambah gadget Pengikutuntuk tata letak Anda. Dengan gadget ini, pembaca dapat mengeklik tautan "Ikuti blog ini&" untuk menambah blog Anda ke Dasbor Blogger dan akun Pustaka Google. Mereka juga memiliki opsi untuk menambah gambar dan profil ke blog Anda untuk memberi tahu seluruh dunia bahwa mereka adalah seorang penggemar.Masukan dari pembaca Anda
Mudah bagi pembaca untuk meninggalkan komentardi entri manapun pada blog Anda, memberikan umpan balik yang bermanfaat dan tepat pada waktunya. Mereka dapat meninggalkan komentar di sebelah kanan bawah entri, di jendela munculan, atau di laman terpisah. Anda juga dapat menggunakan Reaksiuntuk membiarkan pembaca dengan cepat menyediakan umpan balik dengan hanya satu klik.Pemberitahuan entri baru
Pembaca bebas menentukan apakah mereka akan berlangganan feed blog Anda, yang akan memberitahu mereka tiap kali Anda mempublikasikan entri baru. Anda juga bebas mengkustomisasi apa yang dibagi pada feed blog, dan mengatur blog Anda untuk mengemail entri baru ke alamat email tertentu ataupun mailing list secara otomatis.Satu ID sederhana
Karena Anda dapat masuk log ke Blogger dengan Akun Google — yang juga memberikan pada Anda akses ke Gmail, iGoogle, orkut, dsb. — Anda cukup memiliki satu nama pengguna dan sandi untuk diingat. Alamat blog Anda juga dapat digunakan sebagai OpenID untuk memberi Anda identitas digital tunggal pada web. Karena blog Anda dapat menerima komentar dari pengguna OpenID selain anggota Blogger terdaftar, hal ini memudahkan pembaca blog Anda ketika mereka hendak meninggalkan masukan maupun berpartisipasi dalam percakapan.Bahasa dunia
Blogger kini tersedia dalam 41 bahasa termasuk Inggris, Prancis, Italia, Jerman, Spanyol, Belanda, Portugis, China, Jepang, dan Korea. Penutur Arab, Ibrani, dan Persia dapat menggunakan Blogger dengan tampilan dan pemformatan Kanan-ke-Kiri. Dan transliterasi tersedia untuk lima bahasa Indic.Fitur Canggih
Baru! Fitur Laman
Dengan fitur Laman Blogger, Anda dapat membuat laman baru yang terkait dari blog. Sebagai contoh, Anda dapat membuat laman “Tentang Blog Ini” atau “Hubungi Saya”, seperti halnya menulis blog baru, dan memberikan tautan ke laman itu sebagai tab di bagian atas blog atau di bilah samping.Pengeposan saat di jalan
Blogger memiliki berbagai cara lain yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mengeposkan ke blog. Anda dapat mengeposkan ke blog dari ponsel atau melalui alamat email Mail-to-Blogger rahasia. Dengan opsi tersebut, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengeposkan ke blog, kapan pun Anda mau dan dari mana pun Anda berada.Blogging bersama
Dengan Blogger, mudah untuk membuat blog bersama, yang memungkinkan beberapa blogger untuk berkontribusi di satu blog. Anda memilih anggota tim mana yang memiliki wewenang administratif dan mana yang tugasnya hanya menulis. Anda juga dapat membuat blog pribadi dan membatasi siapa yang dapat melihatnya. Anda mengontrol blog tersebut sepenuhnya.Aplikasi pihak ketiga
Anda dapat memilih di antara serangkaian aplikasi pihak ketiga yang dapat berintegrasi dengan Blogger yang memudahkan Anda untuk membuat blog. Jangan lupa kunjungi code.blogger.com jika Anda adalah seorang pengembang yang juga berkeinginan membuat aplikasi keren.Masih banyak fitur lainnya...
Kami terus mengembangkan fitur baru untuk Blogger; periksa Blogger Buzz untuk mengetahui semua penambahan dan perubahan terkini. Jika Anda ingin mencoba beberapa fitur eksperimental kami, periksa Blogger dalam konsep. Dan jika Anda memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut tentang fitur Blogger apa pun, pastikan untuk mengunjungi situs Bantuan Blogger atau grup diskusi. Untuk melihat entri yang diposkan orang lain, periksa Blog Pilihan. Kami harap Anda menyukai hasil karya kami.Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo
Christiane F. – We Children from Bahnhof Zoo a 1981 film that portrays the drug scene in West Berlin in the 1970s, following tape recordings of Christiane F.
13-year-old Christiane Felscherinow lives with her mother and little sister in a small apartment in a typical multi-storey concrete apartment building in a dull neighbourhood in the outskirts of West Berlin. She's bored and lacks things to do and is sick and tired of living there. She hears of 'Sound', a new disco in the city center, called the most modern discothèque in Europe. Although she's legally too young to go, she dresses up in high heels and makeup and asks a friend from school to take her. At the disco she meets Detlef, who is a little older. He is in a clique where everybody experiments with various drugs. At first she takes pills and LSD, but gradually becomes drawn deeper into the drugs, eventually ending up as a heroin-addict and prostitute.
source: wikipedia
Okay.. I've finally watched this movie! I was intrigued when I saw the poster of this movie in one of the many Terry Richardson photographs. I've spent days trying to download and/or stream this movie with english subtitles. I mean, for some reason the subtitles I downloaded just won't work with the video, or maybe I just can't seem to figure it out. This movie is in german. Thankfully I found an english subbed streaming link http://stagevu.com/video/wabruaqsctwl
Wow, okay.. if you expect this movie to be like Skins or Thirteen, it's way more than that. It's different. First, it's based on a true story. The book is actually an autobiography of this Christiane chick. I'd say it's closer in comparison to Requiem For A Dream but, like, the real-life teen version. So yeah, pretty rough stuff.
The Berlin drug scene in the 70s was horrifying. When I saw this movie I was like, ugh.. thisdid not really happen. This does not happen! But this stuff is very real and it happens. It started with parties, then pills and LSDs, coke, heroin, and then prostitution. This girl didn't even wanna get hooked on H. She refused. Eventually she gave in, though. Regardless of her knowing the fact that it kills. It was happening all around her.
It was all fun and games until she started to get hooked. Heroin is just serious shit. First it was the high that'll make you want more, but after some time your body will need it even though you don't necessarily want it anymore. You don't just quit using it, because it'll make you really sick. If you keep using though, you'll die.
Her boyfriend did sexual favors for older guys in exchange for money to buy H. Can you imagine? Before, she swore she wouldn't do any of that but, she gave in because that's the easiest, fastest way to get money. All out of desperation. She had no other choice. Youhave to watch the movie. It sounds boring out of my mouth, but you'll see for yourselves just how terrifying life was for those kids. And it was all their doings. Trust me, after seeing the movie ya'll will be grateful for your lives! Stay off drugs!!
The Berlin drug scene in the 70s was horrifying. When I saw this movie I was like, ugh.. thisdid not really happen. This does not happen! But this stuff is very real and it happens. It started with parties, then pills and LSDs, coke, heroin, and then prostitution. This girl didn't even wanna get hooked on H. She refused. Eventually she gave in, though. Regardless of her knowing the fact that it kills. It was happening all around her.
It was all fun and games until she started to get hooked. Heroin is just serious shit. First it was the high that'll make you want more, but after some time your body will need it even though you don't necessarily want it anymore. You don't just quit using it, because it'll make you really sick. If you keep using though, you'll die.
Her boyfriend did sexual favors for older guys in exchange for money to buy H. Can you imagine? Before, she swore she wouldn't do any of that but, she gave in because that's the easiest, fastest way to get money. All out of desperation. She had no other choice. Youhave to watch the movie. It sounds boring out of my mouth, but you'll see for yourselves just how terrifying life was for those kids. And it was all their doings. Trust me, after seeing the movie ya'll will be grateful for your lives! Stay off drugs!!
Thoughts on Demi being "fat"

I know I'm really late in posting this topic. I was changing this morning, when I looked at my body in the mirror I thought I was fat. So I thought about Demi. Is she fat? What is fat? Where do you draw the line between fat and skinny? Is there even such things as plump, plus sized, or the so called "healthy looking"? For all I know when people are judging other people's appearance, it's always "She's fat / She's skinny" and then corrected with "Oh well, she's a little fat / skinny but not that skinny". Or is it all just me?
No, I don't think Demi's fat. I have to admit though, my first thought was she got fat. Then I thought about it again and was like, "ok maybe not fat fat, she's plump". LOL or if I may use my friend's description, she's juicy, that's another opinion. Others say she looks healthy. But personally, I dont think "healthy" really answer the question. What does healthy mean? Not too skinny and not too overweight? Does healthy means average? How average is average?
Do I think Demi's fat? No. I think she pulls the whole curvy look off, which is something that a lot of people can't do. I think her pretty face really finishes off the look. Wait, I think her face pulls off the look. Without it I think she'd be just another curvy chick, you know? If it were me, I'd wanna look like the old Demi.
foo fighters is just good rock n roll
When I'm looking for one, I can never seem to find it. If I do, I'll probably get the crappy ones. It's like playing hide and seek. I feel like it's unfair, I mean, shouldn't my brain work when I need it to? I know I'm not a smartie, but it'd make life a whole lot easier if I can figure shit out at the spot. Not like, an hour later when it doesn't really matter anymore.
My thoughts seem to be most clear when I'm lying on my bed, ready to sleep. It keeps me up at night, but I can't really do anything about it. And I don't want to, I'm tired. I have things to do in the morning, I want some sleep. The next day, if I remember some of the stuff I thought about, I'd try to put together the puzzle but some pieces would be missing. Usually it's either I'd go ahead with the incomplete puzzle or I'd leave them under the rug and and walk away. So there. If I need to think, I wanna sleep. If I need to sleep, I can't stop thinking. It sucks.
My thoughts seem to be most clear when I'm lying on my bed, ready to sleep. It keeps me up at night, but I can't really do anything about it. And I don't want to, I'm tired. I have things to do in the morning, I want some sleep. The next day, if I remember some of the stuff I thought about, I'd try to put together the puzzle but some pieces would be missing. Usually it's either I'd go ahead with the incomplete puzzle or I'd leave them under the rug and and walk away. So there. If I need to think, I wanna sleep. If I need to sleep, I can't stop thinking. It sucks.
Minggu, 20 November 2011
Sabtu, 19 November 2011
How Great Is Our God Lyrics – Chris Tomlin
The splendor of a King, clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice
All the earth rejoice
Let all the earth rejoice
All the earth rejoice
He wraps himself in Light, and darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice
Trembles at His voice
And trembles at His voice
Trembles at His voice
How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God
Age to age He stands
And time is in His hands
Beginning and the end
Beginning and the end
And time is in His hands
Beginning and the end
Beginning and the end
The Godhead Three in One
Father Spirit Son
The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion and the Lamb
Father Spirit Son
The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion and the Lamb
Name above all names
Worthy of our praise
My heart will sing
How great is our God
Worthy of our praise
My heart will sing
How great is our God
How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God
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